Nine Twentieth-Century Approaches to Language Teaching

In addition to the Grammar-Translation Approach, the Direct Approach, the Reading Approach, the Audiolingual Approach, and the Oral-Situational Approach there are four other discernible approaches to foreign language teaching that developed and were widely used during the final quarter of the 20th century.

            1.   Grammar-Translation Approach
            2.   Direct Approach
            3.   Reading Approach
            4.   Audiolingualism (United States)
            5.   Oral-Situational Approach (Britain)
            6.   Cognitive Approach
            7.   Affective-Humanistic Approach
            8.   Comprehension-Based Approach
            9.   Communicative Approach

However, before I present the features of each approach, let us clarify some terminology that is crucial to this discussion. What do we mean by the terms approach, method, and technique?

            1.   Approach - A set of correlative assumptions or viewpoint dealing with   
                               nature of teaching and learning.
            2.   Method - Synonymous to procedure; the procedure employed to 
                             accomplish the lesson objectives.
            3.   Technique - A teacher’s unique way, style, or art of executing  the
                                 stages of a method.

We now look at each approach one by one.

1.   Grammar-Translation Approach
        It focused only on written skills of the learners thus teaching through translation method under specified techniques of deductive style.
a.   Instruction is given in the native language of the students.
b.   There is little use of the target language for communication.
c.   Focus is on grammatical parsing, i.e., the form and inflections of words.
d.   There is early reading of difficult texts.
e.   A typical exercise is to translate sentences from the target language into the mother tongue (or vice versa).
f.    The result of this approach is usually an inability on the part of the student to use the language for communication.
g.   The teacher does not have to be able to speak the target language.

2.   Direct Approach
        It focused more on spoken skills and teaching inductively with no use of L1. However, it had its own flaws, e.g., trained teacher and other necessary equipment like realia, pictures were hard to acquire in every situation.
a.   No use of the mother tongue is permitted (i.e., the teacher does not need to know the students’ native language).
b.   Lessons begin with dialogues and anecdotes in modern conversational style.
c.   Actions and pictures are used to make meaning clear.
d.   Grammar is learned inductively.
e.   Literary text are read for pleasure and are not analyzed grammatically.
f.    The target culture is also taught inductively.
g.   The teacher must be a native speaker or have native like proficiency in the target language.

3.   Reading Approach
        It is like Grammar Translation Approach since it also stressed on written skills. But, it was flexible approach as far as the teaching is concerned.
a.   Only the grammar useful for reading comprehension is taught.
b.   Vocabulary is controlled at first (based on frequency and usefulness) and then expanded.
c.   Translation is once more a respectable classroom procedure.
d.   Reading comprehension is the only language skill emphasized.
e.   The teacher does not need to have good oral proficiency in the target language.

4.   Audiolingualism (United States)
        It enhances the Direct Method Approach and again depreciates the Reading Approach. Still, it demanded, as well, a trained teacher. Else, it was more mimicry than fresh learning.
a.   Lesson begin with dialogues.
b.   Mimicry and memorization are used, based on the assumption that language is habit formation.
c.   Grammatical structure are sequenced and rules are taught inductively.
d.   Skills are sequenced: listening, speaking – reading, writing postponed.
e.   Pronunciation is stressed from the beginning.
f.    Vocabulary is severely limited in initial stages.
g.   A great effort is made to prevent learner errors.
h.   Language is often manipulated without regard to meaning or context.
i.    The teacher must be proficient only in the structures, vocabulary, and others. That (s)he is teaching since learning activities and materials are carefully controlled.

5.   Oral-Situational Approach (Britain)
A cousin of the Audio-Lingual Approach.
a.   The spoken language is primary.
b.   All language material is practiced orally before being presented in written form (reading and writing are taught only after an oral base in lexical and grammatical forms has been established).
c.   Only the target language should be used in the classroom.
d.   Efforts are made to ensure that the most general and useful lexical items are presented.
e.   Grammatical structures are graded from simple to complex.
f.    New items (lexical and grammatical) are introduced and practiced situationally (e.g., at the post office, at the bank, at the dinner table).

6.   Cognitive Approach
        It may be said to be a modern approach for it views language learning to be a natural process. It centers on teaching all four skills: in a natural process, it overlooks errors as inevitable happening.
a.   Language learning is viewed as rule acquisition, not habit formation.
b.   Instruction is often individualized; learners are responsible for their own learning.
c.   Grammar must be taught but it can be taught deductively (rules first, practice later) and/or inductively (rules can either be started after practice or left as implicit information for the learners to process on their own.
d.   Pronunciation is de-emphasized; perfection is viewed as unrealistic and unattainable.
e.   Reading and writing are once again as important as listening and speaking.
f.    Vocabulary instruction is once again important, especially at intermmdiate and advance levels.
g.   Errors are viewed as inevitable, to be used constructively in the learning process.
h.   The teacher is expected to have good general proficiency in the target language as well as an ability to analyze the target language.

7.   Affective–Humanistic Approach
        It is actually a modification of Cognitive Approach. Learning a foreign language is a process of self-realization and of relating to other people.
a.   Respect is emphasized for the individual (each student, the teacher) and for his or her feelings.
b.   Communication that is meaningful to the learner is emphasized.
c.   Instruction involves much work in pairs and small groups.
d.   Class atmosphere is viewed as more important materials or methods.
e.   Peer support and interaction are viewed as necessary for learning.
f.    Learning a foreign language is viewed as self-realization experience.
g.   The teacher ia a counselor or facilitator.
h.   The teacher should be proficient in the target language and the student’s native language since translation may be used heavily in the initial stages to help students feel at ease; later it is gradually phased out.

8.   Comprehension–Based Approach
        It tried to teach through a more natural process, i.e., it offers a great deal of listening and does not force to activate speaking from learner. In fact, it is a step forward on the Cognitive Approach.
ü  Language acquisition occurs if and only if the learner comprehends meaningful input.
a.   Listening comprehension is very important and is viewed as the basic skill that will allow speaking, reading, and writing to develop spontaneously over time, given the right conditions.
b.   Learners should begin by listening to meaningful speech and by responding nonverbally in meaningful ways before they produced any language themselves.
c.   Learners should not speak until they feel ready to do so; this result in better pronunciation than if the learner is forced to speak immediately.
d.   Learners progress by being exposed to meaningful input that is just one step beyond their level of competence.
e.   Rule learning may help monitors (or become aware of) what they do, but it will not aid their acquisition or spontaneous use of the target language.
f.    Error correction is seen as unnecessary and perhaps even counterproductive; the important thing is that learners can understand and can make themselves understood.
g.   If the teacher is not native (or near-native) speaker, appropriate materials such as audiotapes and videotapes must be available to provide the appropriate input for the learners.

9.   Communicative Approach
        One fairly modern approach, it views language learning more as a system thus revolving to teach as a system, i.e., authentic material and practical situation.
ü  The purpose of language (and thus the goal of language teaching) is communication.
a.   It is assumed that the goal of language teaching is learner ability to communicate in the target language.
b.   It is assumed that content of a language course will include semantic notions and social functions, not just linguistic structures.
c.   Students regularly work in groups or pairs to transfer (and, if necessary, negotiate) meaning in situations in which one person has information that others(s) lack.
d.   Students often engage in role play or dramatization to adjust their use of the target language to different social contexts.
e.   Classroom materials and activities are often authentic to reflect real-life situations and demands.
f.    Skills are integrated from the beginning; a given activity might involve reading, speaking, listening, and also writing (this assumes the learners are educated and literate).
g.   The teacher’s role is primarily to facilitate communication and only secondarily to correct errors.
h.   The teachers should be able to use the target language fluently and appropriately.

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Anonymous said…
2.Direct approach: Conversational and not controversial